史上最高で最も有名なアニメ シーズン 2025!!
The best and most famous anime seasons of 2025 ever!!
アニメファンなら、今後数年間は、巨額の予算をかけて新作アニメが開始されることに加え、最も有名な作品の新シーズンが復活するなど、多くの驚きをもたらすことになるでしょう。 『進撃の巨人』や『ワンピース』の展開など、最も期待されるタイトルとアップデートを振り返ってみましょう。
Most Anticipated Anime Seasons: Most Anticipated Titles and Expected Updates
If you're an anime fan, the next few years will bring a lot of surprises, including the launch of new anime with big budgets, as well as the return of new seasons of some of the most famous titles. Let's take a look back at the most anticipated titles and updates, including developments in Attack on Titan and One Piece.
1. 進撃の巨人(進撃の巨人) - 物語の終わり
エキサイティングな出来事と衝撃に満ちた長い旅を経て、「進撃の巨人」は第 4 シーズンの最終パートで待望の完結を迎える準備をしています。
制作: MAPPA Studio は、エンディングを象徴的なものにする素晴らしいグラフィック品質とオーディオ パフォーマンスを提供し続けることが期待されています。
1. Attack on Titan (Attack on Titan) – End of the Story
After a long journey full of exciting events and shocks, Attack on Titan is preparing to reach its long-awaited conclusion in the final part of the fourth season.
Release date: The final part of the fourth season was divided into two parts, with the first showing in 2023, and the final part is expected to air in early 2024.
Expectations: The anime will continue the narrative of the final chapter of the manga, with a great focus on the final battle against Eren and the main characters’ attempts to stop the complete annihilation plan.
Production: MAPPA Studio is expected to continue providing amazing graphic quality and voice acting that make the ending iconic.
2. ワンピース 楕円と失われた世紀編
最近の更新: アニメでは失われた世紀の詳細がいくつか明らかになり、ルフィとカイドウの間の伝説的な戦いも目撃されました。
制作: 東映アニメーションは、ビジュアル品質と音響効果を大幅に向上させ、視聴者の体験を向上させる優れたパフォーマンスを提供します。
2. One Piece – Elpis Arc and the Lost Century
One Piece continues its legendary journey with exciting events in the upcoming Elpis Arc, as the story moves to one of the most mysterious and important areas in the series.
Recent Updates: Some details of the Lost Century were revealed in the anime, and we also witnessed a legendary fight between Luffy and Kaido.
What's New? According to the leaks, a new phase of the story will begin in 2024 with the revelation of new secrets related to "One Piece" and "Poneglyph".
Production: With significant improvements in visual quality and sound effects, Toei Animation Studio delivers a distinctive performance that enhances the viewer's experience.
3. 呪術廻戦 – シーズン 3
今後のイベント: 呪いの力に対する虎杖悠仁の闘いは続き、多くの愛すべきキャラクターたちの運命が明らかになります。
制作:MAPPA Studioは高品質のグラフィックとアニメーションを提供し続けます。
3. Jujutsu Kaisen – Season 3
After the great success of the second season, everyone is looking forward to the third season of Jujutsu Kaisen, which will continue the events of the manga and showcase new epic confrontations.
Upcoming events: The continuation of Yuji Itadori's struggle against the forces of curses and the revelation of the fate of many beloved characters.
Production: MAPPA studio continues to provide high-quality graphics and animation.
4. デーモンスレイヤー - シーズン4
リリース日: 新シーズンは 2024 年半ばに初公開される予定です。
4. Demon Slayer – Season 4
Demon Slayer fans are gearing up for Season 4, which will cover the events of the Blacksmith Village arc and the exciting battles that follow.
Release Date: The new season is expected to air in mid-2024.
What's New? Direct confrontations with more powerful demons and the revelation of developments in Tanjiro's abilities.