2025年にアニメ化される予定のマンガやタイトルの最も重要な発表//Top Upcoming Manga Announcements and Titles That Will Be Adapted into Anime in 2025



Top Upcoming Manga Announcements and Titles That Will Be Adapted into Anime in 2025

マンガ・アニメ業界は、日本および世界で最もダイナミックなクリエイティブ産業のひとつであり、出版社や制作スタジオが、視聴者の情熱に触れる新作を届けようと競い合っています。 2025年が近づき、有名漫画作品のアニメ化プロジェクトが次々と報じられ、漫画ファンの間で熱狂が広がっている。

The manga and anime industries are among the most dynamic creative industries in Japan and the world, with publishing houses and production studios competing to deliver new works that resonate with audiences. As 2025 approaches, news is beginning to emerge about upcoming projects and adaptations of popular manga titles into anime, generating excitement among fans of the art form.

1. 創造力を一新した新しいマンガ

トップクラスの作家や出版社は、毎年新しいマンガを発表することに熱心です。 2025 年に発表された最も注目すべきタイトルは以下のとおりです。



1. New Manga with Renewed Creativity

Major authors and publishers are keen to present new manga every year. Here are the most prominent titles announced for 2025:

"Eternal Requiem"

Written by "Ryota Nakamura", this manga deals with a dramatic story in a post-apocalyptic world where humanity is fighting advanced robotic civilizations. The work was revealed at a major event held by Shonen Jump magazine, with promises of amazing story quality and amazing graphics.



"The Forgotten Crown"

This new manga comes from writer Misaki Ono, known for her works that combine romance and fantasy. The story revolves around a missing prince who tries to regain his throne by confronting dark forces.


作家・高原健二が贈る近未来的傑作。このマンガはアクションと SF を組み合わせたもので、その出来事は破壊的な人工知能システムを破壊しようとする傭兵チームを中心に展開します。

"Cyber ​​Odyssey"

A futuristic work par excellence, presented by the writer "Kenji Takahara". The manga combines action and science fiction, and its events revolve around a team of mercenaries who seek to destroy a destructive artificial intelligence system.

2. 2025 年に最も顕著なアニメ化作品
多くのマンガがアニメ化されて大成功を収めたことを受けて、いくつかのスタジオが 2025 年に向けた巨大プロジェクトを発表しました。最も重要なタイトルは次のとおりです。


『僕のヒーローアカデミア 反逆篇』
この有名なアクションがクライマックスに近づく中、ヒーローと悪役の間の大きな対立を描くまったく新しいアークをカバーする新シーズンが発表されました。この発表は、シリーズのファンにとって最大のニュースの 1 つです。



2. The most prominent conversions to anime in 2025
With the great success achieved by many manga after being converted into anime, several studios have announced huge projects for 2025. Here are the most important titles:

"Chains of Eternity"
A dark and exciting manga that has received great attention since its release, as MAPPA Studio has confirmed that it is working on converting it into an anime. The work is expected to include high production quality and a soundtrack that suits the mysterious atmosphere.

"My Hero Academia: The Rebellion Arc"
As this famous work approaches its climax, a new season has been announced covering a completely new arc that displays a major conflict between heroes and villains. This announcement is one of the most important news for fans of the series.

"Blue Exorcist: The Final Conflict"
After a long wait, the Blue Exorcist series returns with a new season covering the final arc of the story. The producing studio has promised to provide an unprecedented visual experience.

"Kaiju No. 8"
After high expectations surrounding the manga's anime adaptation, TOHO Animation has announced that the work will air in mid-2025, with character designs that match the manga's details.

3. 予想シーズンの更新


進撃の巨人 ~Beyond the Horizo​​n~
呪術廻戦 渋谷アフターマス
3. Renewals for anticipated seasons
Alongside the new transformations, there are several popular works returning with new seasons, most notably:

Attack on Titan: Beyond the Horizon
A side series that explores the lives of the characters after the end of the main story.

Jujutsu Kaisen: Shibuya Aftermath
A new season covering the events following the Shibuya arc, with huge developments in the characters and plot.

4. アニメ業界の明るい未来


結論として、2025 年はマンガとアニメのファンにとって素晴らしい年になりそうです。深みのあるドラマチックな物語のファンでも、アクション満載のスリラーのファンでも、待望のリストにはあらゆる好みに合うものが揃っています。今後の詳細や発表を楽しみにお待ちください!

4. A Bright Future for the Anime Industry
It is clear from these announcements that the anime and manga industry continues to provide innovative content that keeps up with the aspirations of the audience. With the advancement of technology, upcoming productions are expected to be more accurate and stunning in terms of graphics and visual effects.

In conclusion, 2025 looks like an amazing year for manga and anime fans. Whether you are a fan of deep dramatic stories or works full of action and excitement, the upcoming list has something for every taste. Stay tuned for more details and upcoming announcements!

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